“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest achievement.” Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Balancing authenticity and professionalism

In job interviews, it’s very important to strike a balance between being yourself and giving a professional impression. Employers are looking for candidates who can impress their company culture and meet the job requirements. Showing your true self, however, helps ensure that you are a good fit with the company. Initially, focus on showing your professionalism. Dress appropriately, be polite and answer questions confidently. This approach will show respect for the interview process and the people conducting it.

The risks of not being yourself

Although professionalism is essential, it is equally important not to hide your true personality. If you present an insincere version of yourself, you risk being hired for a position that may not suit you. This can lead to dissatisfaction and early termination. Being yourself allows the employer to see if you really fit in with the team and the company culture. Authenticity during an interview helps both parties make a better decision about a potential working relationship.

When to show your true self

There is a good time to show more of your personality during an interview. When you have demonstrated your professionalism and competence, you can gradually reveal more of who you are. Discuss your interests, values and what motivates you. This will help the employer see you as a whole person, not just a set of skills and qualifications. It also gives you a chance to assess whether the company aligns with your values and career goals.

Balancing sincerity and strategy

Being yourself doesn’t mean telling everything about yourself. Be strategic about what you reveal. Focus on aspects of your personality that are relevant to the job and the company culture. For example, if the job requires teamwork, discuss how you like to work with others. If creativity is valued, share how you approach problems with innovative solutions. This way, you stay true to yourself while highlighting the qualities the employer is looking for.

Benefits of authenticity

When you are honest in a job interview, you set the stage for a positive working relationship. Employers value honesty and transparency. They are more likely to trust and respect employees who are honest. Authenticity can also lead to greater job satisfaction. When you secure a role that matches your true self, you are more likely to enjoy your work and thrive in the position.

Comprehensive support from Atena

At Atena , we understand the importance of being both professional and authentic in a job interview. Our services go beyond simply connecting with an employer. We will prepare a customized professional resume that highlights your strengths and accomplishments. In addition, we offer one-on-one interview coaching to help you strike a balance between professionalism and authenticity. We’ll make sure you present yourself in the best possible light, increasing your chances of finding a job that’s a real fit.

Trust Atena to guide you through the entire process, from CV development to a successful interview. With our support, you can confidently present the best version of yourself.