Recent studies show that 60% of employees consider benefits as important as salary when evaluating job opportunities. For nannies, the figure is even higher. Given the demands and challenges of caregiving work, attractive benefits can be critical. Offering benefits along with a competitive salary helps companies stand out in an increasingly competitive market for skilled caregivers.

Salary is not everything

While competitive pay is essential, it is often not enough to retain the best caregivers. Caregivers are more likely to stay with an employer that offers comprehensive benefits. The caregiving profession can be physically and emotionally demanding, so caregivers look for employers who support their well-being in a variety of ways.

Be available when needed

Providing ongoing support to caregivers is critical to retaining them. Employers need to be accessible and responsive whenever carers need help, whether it is for work-related or personal problems. A dedicated support system where carers can go for help, advice or simply to be listened to reinforces a sense of trust and belonging. When carers know they can rely on their employer at any time, they feel more confident in their role, leading to greater job satisfaction and long-term loyalty.

Professional Development

Another effective benefit is the offer of professional development opportunities. Many caregivers appreciate the opportunity to improve their skills or obtain certifications. By providing access to training programs, employers show that they are investing in the long-term career development of their employees. This not only attracts talent but also improves the quality of care provided to clients.

Awards and recognition

In addition to material benefits, nannies want to feel valued. Simple acts such as recognizing their hard work through awards, public acknowledgements or small bonuses can make a big impact. When caregivers feel appreciated, they are more likely to remain loyal to their employer and provide quality care.

At Atena , we recognize the importance of benefits in attracting and retaining quality caregivers. We regularly increase caregiver salaries to stay ahead of inflation, ensuring financial stability. In addition to a competitive salary, we offer a range of benefits tailored to the needs of caregivers, including flexible rotations, holiday bonuses, a referral program, and professional development opportunities. Join Atena today and experience the difference for yourself!