More comfortable, faster and without unnecessary worries. An employment agency will make it easier for you to start your new job. They will arrange your travel, accommodation and communicate with your employer on your behalf.
Betting on an employment agency is a good idea for several reasons. You’ll find a range of offers from multiple industries and locations in one place, many of which you wouldn’t otherwise know about. Moreover, you don’t have to look for these offers and study them in detail, because the agency’s employee will tell you all about them. He or she is very clear about who the company is looking for for which position, so you will know immediately if you meet these requirements. And here are the other benefits that Atena employment agency will provide you with when looking for a job.
Travel at no cost
If you have chosen a job that requires commuting, the agency will help you with travel. It allows you to travel abroad without having to pay for your trip in advance. This is especially convenient for people who are starting out and have no money to spare.
Live comfortably
The same goes for accommodation – you don’t have to find it yourself, as your employment agency will arrange it for you. However, it is necessary to reach for a strong partner, for an agency that has good references from clients and provides services of a high standard. A solid agency doesn’t put you among mice or in a place that looks like something out of a horror movie. A solid agency strives to find decent, clean and safe accommodation for employees. Accommodation is one of the most important priorities for a person who travels for work. Your employer often contributes to your accommodation, so you’ll avoid additional costs.
Leave the transport and accommodation arrangements to others.

No fees
If you looked for a job through an agency fifteen years ago, you couldn’t have done without them. Fees. Back then, job brokers charged for both registering and finding you a job, earning them harsh criticism from people. Today, a solid agency no longer charges registration and brokerage fees because they don’t have to. It works through partnerships with businesses themselves or with foreign agencies. Wringing people out of work out of money is so long past.
Advances during the month
Large companies follow set terms and conditions and few pay employees in advance. However, the Atena agency provides people with this option as a bonus. They can collect the advance after the first week of work, they will get half of what they earned for it. In this way, the agency meets the needs of people who have moved to a new environment for work and need to cover exceptional costs. Agency staff take advantage of the opportunity to draw down advances gladly and frequently. It’s one of the most popular benefits that they really appreciate.
Training allowance
Candidates must be retrained and receive a certificate that they have been trained for the job before they can take up certain types of jobs. The Agency also supports its employees in this respect. A contribution of up to €150 is made to the course for those interested. It can be used by people who are interested in a nursing course, also by future forklift drivers, future electricians who need a Section 21, 22 or 23 for their work, and also by people who need a welding course.