Recruiting for a challenging position requires a different approach than for less important positions. Asking the right questions will help you find the best candidate. As Thomas Jefferson said, “I am a great believer in happiness, and I find that the harder I work, the more happiness i feel.” This principle also applies to the recruitment process. The more thorough and diligent you are in the interview process, the better luck you will have in finding the ideal candidate. Today, we’ll talk about the ten most important questions you should ask to make sure you make the right choice.

1. Can you describe a situation where you handled a high-pressure situation?

Understanding how a candidate handles stress is key for challenging positions. Ask him to share specific examples from his past. Look for details of how they kept calm, how they made decisions and how they solved the problem. Their response will give you information about their problem-solving abilities and their resilience.

2. What motivates you to perform well in challenging situations?

Motivation brings performance. By asking this question you can assess what keeps the candidate going during difficult moments. Are they doing well in the challenges? Are they driven by deadlines or personal growth? Their answer will help you understand if they will stay committed when the going gets tough.

3. How do you prioritise tasks when facing multiple deadlines?

Time management is key in demanding tasks. Ask the candidate how they manage multiple tasks with overlapping deadlines. Look for methods and strategies they use to prioritise effectively. This will show you their ability to manage the workload and maintain organization.

4. Can you give an example of a project where you exceeded expectations?

This question will help you gauge a candidate’s ability to go above and beyond expectations. Ask for specific details about the project, their role and the outcome. Their response will highlight their dedication, work ethic and ability to achieve exceptional results.

5. How do you handle setbacks or complications?

In demanding tasks, resilience is very important. Understanding how a candidate deals with failure can reveal their ability to learn and bounce back. Look for examples of how they have turned a setback into a learning opportunity and what changes they have made to avoid future problems.

6. What skills make you best suited for this position?

This question allows the candidate to highlight their strengths and relevant skills. It also gives you the opportunity to see if his or her skill set matches the requirements of the job. Pay attention to how confidently they present their qualifications and how they match the position.

7. Can you describe a situation where you had to learn a new skill quickly?

Adaptability is essential in demanding positions. Ask the candidate about a situation where they had to learn a new skill quickly. Their response will show their ability to learn under pressure and how quickly they can adapt to new challenges.

8. How do you work with team members in a high stress environment?

Teamwork often becomes more challenging in stressful situations. Understanding how a candidate interacts with others under pressure is key. Ask for examples that demonstrate his or her communication skills, empathy and ability to support colleagues.

9. What are your long-term career goals?

Ambitious candidates often excel in challenging positions. This question will help you understand whether the candidate’s career aspirations are aligned with the position and the future of your company. Their response can show their commitment to growth and long-term potential in your organization.

10. How do you manage to maintain a work-life balance?

Even in demanding roles, maintaining a work-life balance is essential to avoid burnout. Ask the candidates how they manage to maintain this balance. Look for strategies they use to unwind and ensure their personal life doesn’t suffer because of work obligations.

Choosing the right candidate for a challenging position involves more than just looking at their CV. You need to go in-depth with targeted questions that reveal their true abilities and potential. At Atena , we specialize in finding top talent for critical positions. Our expert recruiters use these and other questions to identify the best candidates who can excel in a high-pressure environment. Let Atena help you build a strong and resilient team that will drive your company’s success.