It is a long-established fact that a suitable working environment increases employee productivity. According to surveys, a higher percentage of people consider good working conditions to be more important than the amount of pay. Foreign companies, with their branches in Slovakia, follow the global trend, which includes various corporate events, wellness stays, rest and relaxation centres, cultural events for employees and various other corporate benefits.

Several factors are important for better employee productivity. These include, for example, the design of the interior or exterior of their workplace, its hygiene level, lighting, also the colours used in the interior, avoidance of disturbing sounds, temperature conditions. Appropriate temperature is related to workplace satisfaction. The air exchange in the rooms is also very important. In an unventilated room, a person may lose concentration, mental well-being and also experience fatigue, which can reduce their productivity. Having a view of the natural environment directly from the room can also have a positive impact on better employee productivity, or even more preferably, if the employee has direct access to nature during their working hours. The employer is also obliged to ensure compliance with Act No. 124/2006 Coll. on health and safety at work and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, and according to paragraph 5, the employer is obliged to issue a ban on smoking in the workplace where non-smokers also work. Work environment factors, whether positive or negative, affect the employee’s mood, behaviour, feelings and are primarily reflected in their work. Therefore, it should be a priority for employers to create suitable working conditions for their employees. How important is the working environment for you?