Last Friday and Saturday we ended the successful year 2019 with a joint trip to Vienna and a long awaited annual Christmas party.
Friday 13th did not discourage us at all. We travelled early in the morning to catch up on schedule. While we were travelling to our destination, we replenished our energy with a nap. After 4 hours long journey, we could finally see the beauty of Schonbrunn (where lived Empress Sisi and others) on our own eyes. Each of the rooms was full of luxury and designed in different artistic style.
After the tour, we filled our hungry stomachs (with a traditional Wiener schnitzel and other variations of the menu) and then burnt calories in Schonbrunn gardens. Unfortunately, they were not flourishing due to the season, but we still enjoyed the views. We ended the trip at the Christmas market with excellent punch and other delicacies.

Our next evening was in the spirit of lights, fun and good food (cabbage soup is a must). The short program was provided by a young dance couple from the dance school K-dance and Michal Barbier with his parkour bits. Right after their performance we started the fun on the dance floor. When we had enough, we spent time by taking pictures in a photobooth or at a table with delicious cakes. There was also a raffle, after which the entertainment continued in full swing until morning. And we enjoyed our long night full of fun.
Join us and you can be a part of similar experience next year as well.