You never have a second chance to make a first impression.” For experienced caregivers, first impressions are not just about personal presentation, but also about demonstrating professional skills and an understanding of the complex caregiving environment from the moment they step into a new position. Today, we’re going to talk about some of the things you can do on day one to stand out and ensure that care delivery starts without unnecessary hassle and complications.

Act cordial and friendly

Start your first day by giving a warm welcome to the client and their family members. Friendly behaviour can alleviate their potential concerns about new care services. A smile, a positive attitude and a genuine interest in the person’s life and experiences are the keys to creating an immediate and strong relationship.

Show respect and sensitivity

Respect is key in caregiving, especially on the first day. Be mindful of personal space, privacy and individual client preferences. Ask permission before entering private areas or handling personal belongings, and acknowledge their preferences in everyday activities to show respect for their dignity and autonomy.

Encourage open dialogue

Encourage the client and their family to openly express their thoughts, concerns and expectations. Let them know that their opinions are valued and important for effective care. By starting an open dialogue, you create a communication environment that fosters mutual understanding and joint problem-solving from the start.

Carry out a thorough inspection of the workplace

In addition to a simple walk-through, conduct a detailed tour to get to know the care environment. Look at such things as the location of emergency supplies, furniture layout for easy mobility, and accessibility features that are in place or may be needed.

Review the care plan

Instead of just going through your daily routine, take a deeper look at your care plan. When you work with Atena, you will always have an easily accessible, professionally developed daily plan. Identify areas that may require modification based on your expertise and actively discuss these with the client or family.

Evaluate and edit

At the end of the day, critically review the day’s events and your notes. Identify areas for improvement in your approach to care, discuss them with supervisors or family members, and adjust your strategies accordingly.

At Atena, we recognise the expertise that experienced carers bring to their roles. We support our caregivers with advanced tools and detailed daily plans that take into account high-level care scenarios. These resources will help you carry out your role with precision and confidence, ensuring that you are able to deliver exceptional care from day one. Choose Atena for a partnership that values and enhances your professional nursing journey.