Dementia affects millions of people worldwide. This condition involves impairment of memory, thinking and social skills. Medication plays a key role in managing symptoms and slowing progression. However, it is essential to use them correctly so that the condition does not worsen.

Consult a healthcare professional

Always consult a healthcare professional before taking any medication. They can give you individual advice and prescribe the right medication. Do not rely on self-medication or on the recommendations of non-experts. The wrong medication can worsen the symptoms of dementia and lead to harmful effects.

Follow the prescription exactly

Follow the doctor’s prescription exactly. Do not change the dosage without consulting your healthcare provider. Skipping doses or taking more medication than prescribed can cause harm. Regular checks ensure the effectiveness and safety of the medicine.

Watch out for side effects

Be aware of the possible side effects of dementia medications. Common side effects include nausea, dizziness and fatigue. Report any unusual symptoms to your healthcare provider immediately. Early detection of side effects can prevent complications.

Avoid drug interactions

Drug interactions can worsen symptoms of dementia. Tell your healthcare provider about all medications you are taking, including over-the-counter medications and dietary supplements. Modify the regulations to avoid harmful interactions.

Maintain a healthy lifestyle

A healthy lifestyle promotes the effectiveness of medicines. Eat a balanced diet, exercise regularly and engage in social activities. These habits can improve overall well-being and cognitive function, increasing the benefits of medication.

Monitoring cognitive changes

Keep track of any cognitive changes. Note improvements or worsening of symptoms. This information helps healthcare providers to adjust treatment plans. Early intervention can prevent further deterioration.

Educate carers

Educate caregivers about the importance of medication therapy. They should understand the correct dosage, side effects and the importance of regular check-ups. Proper caregiver support ensures adherence to treatment plans.

Stay informed

Stay informed about new treatments and cures for dementia. Research is ongoing and new treatments may be available. Discuss any new findings with your healthcare provider before changing your treatment plan.

Treatment of dementia with medication requires careful attention and expert guidance. By consulting with healthcare professionals, following prescriptions, being aware of side effects, avoiding drug interactions, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, managing stress, monitoring cognitive changes, educating caregivers, and staying informed, you can help prevent dementia from worsening. At Atena , we understand the challenges of caring for patients with dementia. Our experts are here to provide you with advice and support for a better quality of life. Contact us today for more information and individual assistance.