Do you belong to the group of the people who are trying to find work by using different social networks? Are you looking for a better way how to receive an answer from your potential employer? Do you want finally to move on? LinkedIN is one of the new great options right for you.
Are you asking how does it all work? Simply said, what is Facebook for an average user, is LinkedIN for business people. Instead of a wall where you publish your holiday pictures you can find there articles from the professional groups that you subscribe to. Those can then serve you as a guide to what is new in your work field. LinkedIN can open you the door to new employment and help you get a job. Thats why you should spend on LinkedIN at least half the time you spend on Facebook. You can find there job opportunities and read news about your required field.
The only information you need to complete about yourself is your CV. You can add a detailed description of your activities or achievements to each work position. Special attention you should pay to your education and achieved success. What is it good for? Because not only employees but also companies and recruitment agencies have their profiles here. Your profile and above all your references are at least a good ticket on succesful interview.

The strongest advantage of LinkedIN is the posibility to turn cold contact into more personal. In addition you have a great opportunity to be visible in a huge number of world experts. You can learn about job opportunities that are not officially advertised on job portals. You will also increase your chances of being contacted from abroad. If you share your work references you can persuade your employer to choose right you. If you reach us this way, it is more likely that you will get to job opportunities very quickly. Of course the quickiest way is to pick up the phone:).
Do you have your LinkedIN profile already? If you are not fan of this method, learn how to find a job with just few clics or visit our website and choose from our curent job offers.