Hourly care in England
Do you want to travel for work, to improve your financial situation, but don't have the money for a plane ticket? With us, you'll improve your care skills, gain experience and improve your English with flexible working hours.
Do you want to travel for work, to improve your financial situation, but don't have the money for a plane ticket? With us, you'll improve your care skills, gain experience and improve your English with flexible working hours.
Are you looking for a better-paying job that pays well? We offer jobs for nannies with lots of benefits.
Work as a German-speaking HR manager with a range of benefits and perks. We offer you daily communication in German.
Did you know that you don't have to travel abroad to work as a nanny? Alena shared her experience with us.
Are you interested in the work of manufacturing products based on optical systems? The prerequisites for a suitable candidate is skill in the hands. You'll learn the rest, plus you'll get to work in a good team, have convenient working hours and, if you need it, you'll be provided with accommodation.
In the video, Dušan reveals how he worked his way up from the position of an electroplating line operator to the painting department.
If you don't like stereotypes and you want to have a different job every day, the quality controller is a tailor-made position for you, as Monika and Martina in the position of entry control say.
Are you not afraid of manual work? Slávka will show you that even a woman can work as a production operator in the automotive industry for a long time.
Even after maternity leave, it is possible to find a job quickly and easily. See how Lucia got used to working in a team as a wood production operator.
Do you enjoy manual work in warehouses? In the following video, Miroslav tells you what it's like to work as a forklift driver.