It lies somewhere in the middle of a pile with three hundred others. There is a lot of competition – and you really want that place! Do you have enough jokers for your CV? Then you “only” need to impress. We’ll tell you how.
Imagine this. You are an HR manager in a company and you have just been given the task of recruiting a new person for a specific position. There’s loads of other work on your desk, you haven’t got through the emails yet today, assignments are piling up and to top it all off they bring you that stack of three hundred CVs to shortlist.
You wipe the beads of sweat from your forehead, make a stronger coffee, hang a “do not disturb” sign on your office door handle and rush in. If you have enough experience for the job, our advice could help you get into that tiny pile of CVs marked ‘second round’. Let’s do it.
Bet on timeliness.
Are you one of those people who have tried several positions in their working life and have a lot of experience? Think carefully about what to put on your CV and what not to put. Instead of writing down three pages already at the “previous jobs” box and exhausting the recruiter with information that won’t interest her, write instead about the experience that will make you a hit with her.
There’s no harm in tailoring your CV to the job you’re applying for. Answer the question – which of your talents, knowledge and experience would you use in the job – and devote your energy and space to them.
Can you describe in more detail and in an interesting way what you did in those positions. Those experiences that are completely at odds with the job offer are better left out.
This yes
Your CV should include: your name, contact details, skills and qualities. Also education (leave out primary school), work experience, achievements and awards. Can you describe in more detail the companies you have worked for and your job description?
Write what languages you speak – objectively – if they require a particular language for the position and you get better at the “cévéček”, they’ll figure it out very quickly. If you are currently studying in a language course, mention this. The employer will appreciate it. Don’t forget what you like to do in your spare time. You will tell us something about your qualities, talent and personality.
This is not
The days when it was compulsory to include the marital status single – married – divorced in CVs are long gone. What’s anyone’s business Don’t even bother listing your nationality, sexual orientation, religious beliefs, don’t write your birth number or account number.
Some people also write the names of siblings on their CV (no, this is not a joke) and ladies tend to include a pregnant box:
yes – no (yes it really happens). If you feel the urge to write this information in the “c-box”, imagine our HR manager again. He’s just finishing his coffee and you only have a few seconds. Don’t poison her.
Do you know what kind of resumes are all the rage right now? One-page, they call them “one page”. Bet on their brevity, conciseness and originality, it will be an excellent choice.
If you have no idea what a one page CV looks like, “master google” will advise you. You can also find templates on the internet to help you create a one-sided tube.
Originality is never a bad thing and is guaranteed to set you apart from the crowd. If it’s in your blood, great. Instead of writing Hobbies: hiking, photography, reading, traveling and cooking…” write “I like to walk in the mountains with my camera around my neck. When the lightning just flies over them, I cook a nice dinner and spend the evening over a book. Or over a map planning a trip. Because I have wandering shoes.”
But be careful not to overdo it with originality. Do you know the story? Once, supposedly, the seniors were writing an essay on the topic of “courage”. It is said that one of them wrote: This is courage and filled the page to the end with dots. Well, first of all, we can hardly believe it actually happened and secondly, such creativity would certainly not be appreciated by an educator. So be original just right. Make an exceptional but still to the point statement and don’t forget the facts.
Show off
If you have awards, achievements and outstanding merits from previous jobs that are relevant to the job you are applying for, mention them. Feel free to place them before the education information. They will bring you a lot of good points.
You can also boast of exceptional internships, interesting courses you’ve taken or interesting collaborations. Remember – you are just selling yourself. So do it with gusto and passion. But also with humility.
What else to score
- By providing references. Specific person + specific experience in a specific position = the best advertising.
- By avoiding complicated words. Your CV should read well.
- Photography yes, but appropriate. Ladies, please, no deep necklines. And even a “selfie” or a photo with a dog is not the most suitable for a CV.
- A CV without errors. If you have a problem with grammar, well, that happens in life too and not everyone is required to have flawless written expression.
But be aware that the recruiter who is reading about you right now certainly knows grammar and suffers at your profundities, typos and commas. And you don’t want to torture her, you want to please her