When your relative reaches the age where they are no longer independent or unable to care for themselves due to illness, it’s time to act. You could take care of it yourself, but you don’t have the time or energy for other responsibilities. There are homes and facilities for the elderly. But as good as they are, they’re usually not the most ideal solution right away for a number of reasons. In most, if not all, cases it is best to arrange for caregiverto be placed in a caregiving home. And if you don’t share our opinion, you can read about the benefits of home care.

However, when it comes to quality goods or services, they are usually not cheap. Although caregiver can cost more than almost any senior care facility, the cost can be much less if you know about the benefits you are eligible for and work with the right partner. Today we look at the situation in Belgium.

What does Belgium provide?

Belgium has a well-developed social protection system. One of its main aims is to ensure that it meets the needs of older people, people with disabilities and people with chronic illnesses. Includes contributions to careand benefits in kind.

  • Integration allowance – offered to people aged 21-65. It is a federal benefit for people with disabilities. It aims to compensate for the costs caused by the lack of self-sufficiency. The basic amount to be granted is EUR 859.40.
  • Guaranteed income for older people (GRAPA) – this is a guaranteed income scheme for people who have reached retirement age. The application for pension also constitutes an application for GRAPA. The basic amount provided if the person does not live alone is €859.40 per month. However, if she lives alone, the amount increases to €1 289.10 per month.
  • careallowance for the elderly – the aim of the allowance is to cover part of the costs due to the need carein the home. It is a cash benefit and the maximum average monthly amount is €571. The exact maximum amount depends on the region. Unlike other countries, Belgium offers community benefits. To receive a specific amount, a person must be a Belgian national and have resided in the German-speaking Community for at least five years. However, if the person lives in the Brussels-Capital Region, the rules, options and amount may differ.

Choosing the right partner

Although Belgium offers a relatively high amount of money as a care allowance and the pension schemes are also quite good, it is still important to manage your finances properly . And this is where the company comes in Atena. For 15 years, it has been in our interest that our clients pay less and get more. The amount billed to the family or person in need of care is as low as possible. At the same time, we offer our caregiverstaff excellent salaries that are well above the market average. This means that the staff we work with are qualified, experienced and, most importantly, motivated.

Of course, we wouldn’t be the market leader if we only offered great prices and salaries. With us you have security. Whatever happens, we’ve most likely already had experience of it, so we know exactly how to resolve it quickly and efficiently. Work with professionals – success is no accident!