At Atena , we firmly believe that everyone deserves a chance for a fresh start and a promising career, regardless of their location or nationality. That’s why we’re looking to extend our services to candidates outside the European Union, ensuring they have access to exciting job opportunities and a smooth transition into new roles.

Wider opportunities in the automotive industry

One of our greatest successes is providing employment to Ukrainian citizens in the automotive industry in Slovakia. We don’t just connect candidates with employers. We go above and beyond and support them every step of the way. Perfecting resumes and scheduling interviews is just the beginning. We also provide logistical assistance upon arrival and accompany candidates through the paperwork. Overall, our comprehensive approach ensures a seamless transition. And our support doesn’t stop once a job is secured – we continue to help our candidates during and after their training.

Expanding focus: Welcome Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Moldova

Recognising the potential to lend a helping hand to individuals from different countries, we have expanded our services to include candidates from Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan and Moldova. Although they will have to go through the standard visa process, our dedicated team will provide them with unwavering support and advice every step of the way. The aim is to ensure a smooth and hassle-free journey to their dream job abroad.

Expansion in the care sector – United Kingdom

We withdrew from the UK after the uncertainty following Brexit. However, we have now shifted our focus back to the care sector. Through initiatives such as the Homes for Ukraine programme, we are opening the door to new opportunities for Ukrainian citizens who may not be interested in the automotive industry. With job offers already underway and more on the horizon, we are committed to providing comprehensive support to candidates exploring the sector and ensuring they feel empowered and equipped to succeed.

We also pay undivided attention to our existing projects

While we are working hard to open new horizons, we are not forgetting the existing ones. Innovation is at the heart of our business and our IT team is constantly working together to streamline processes and increase efficiency. What does it mean for you? This means a more personalised and efficient service. By automating monotonous tasks, we can spend more time finding the ideal job opportunities for you and providing unparalleled support throughout your journey. Our commitment to your success remains unwavering – from detailed job listings to tailored assistance.

As we enter 2024, we at Atena are committed to redefining the recruitment landscape, breaking down barriers and creating opportunities for individuals around the world. Join us on this journey to a better future. Your dream job awaits – let Atena be your guide.