Many companies still overlook candidates over 50 during the recruitment process. This overlooking not only limits their access to a pool of experienced and capable talent, but also contravenes employment laws in many countries that protect job seekers from age discrimination. Today, we will look at the factors that should instead be considered when making hiring decisions.

Common misconceptions about older workers

Some employers believe that older candidates are less adaptable to new technologies and are not as energetic as younger employees. Others fear that experienced professionals may demand higher salaries or stay on the job for only a short time before retiring. These stereotypes can prevent companies from making well-informed recruitment decisions.

Dispelling myths

In fact, age often brings invaluable benefits to the workplace. Older workers typically have a strong work ethic, deep industry knowledge, and well-honed communication skills that have been developed over years of professional interaction. Their experience often enables them to effectively mentor younger colleagues and effectively manage stress in a high-pressure environment.

Studies and real-world evidence suggest that different age groups in a team can increase creativity and problem solving by combining traditional and innovative approaches. Far from being a cost burden, older employees can stabilize the workforce and reduce turnover by being loyal and dedicated to their roles.

Why age should not determine the qualities of a candidate

Judging candidates on the basis of age is not only counterproductive but also illegal in many parts of the world. Laws in many countries protect workers from discrimination and emphasise fairness and equal opportunities in employment. By overlooking these candidates, companies not only risk legal repercussions, but also miss out on the opportunity to expand their talent pool with qualified professionals who can bring stability, wisdom and maturity to their teams.

Our commitment to inclusive recruitment

At Atena, we pride ourselves on our objective and fair recruitment practices. We assess candidates based on relevant qualifications, experience and potential contribution to our objectives. We don’t look at age, gender and other irrelevant factors, but focus on what really matters: the match between individual skills and job requirements.

Because of this, we have access to talent that many overlook. We are significantly increasing the diversity of our teams with our approach. It also fosters innovation and productivity by integrating a wide range of perspectives and life experiences.

A call to action

We call on companies to rethink their recruitment strategies and recognise the untapped potential of candidates over 50. Atena is here to guide you through this transformational journey and ensure that your recruitment process is not only compliant with legal standards, but also with best practices for an inclusive and dynamic workforce. Contact Atena today to find out how we can help you tap into the full spectrum of talent and move your company forward.