The main task of the home caregivers is care for the elderly but her role also involves keeping an eye on the energy consumption of the home in which she works. In view of the growing inflation it is essential to reduce housing costs in any way possible. Prices of everything have increased. If seniors don’t start paying a little less for utilities they may not be able to afford their favorite magazine the membership fee at their favorite club or in some cases the option of having a caregiver.

However by implementing energy-saving solutions caregivers can save energy and reduce both costs and environmental impact. We offer eleven tips on how caregivers can save money in a client’s home:

1. Switch off lights and appliances when not in use

In most cases unfortunately this may not be enough. It is always a good idea to encourage the senior you are caring for to turn off lights and appliances when they are not in use. This can save a significant amount of energy and reduce the household electricity bill.

2. Use energy saving bulbs

Replace light bulbs with energy-saving ones such as LED bulbs. A single light bulb consumes approximately eight times more energy while providing the same amount of light as an LED light bulb.

3. Disconnect chargers when not in use

Chargers that stay plugged in when not in use can still consume power. This is the so-called standby mode. Invite the senior you care for to unplug chargers when not in use to save energy and money.

4. Set the thermostat

Putting on warm clothes when it’s cooler and opening a window or using a fan when it’s hot is underestimated by many people. If you have your air conditioning set just a few degrees lower than the outside temperature it can save you hundreds of euros a year.

5. Use natural light

Encourage your patient to use natural light whenever possible instead of unnecessarily turning on artificial lighting when it is not needed. This can reduce lighting consumption and save energy.

6. Use energy efficient appliances

When buying new appliances choose those that are energy efficient. These appliances consume less energy and can save significant amounts of money on electricity bills.

7. Avoid using standby mode on electronics

Advise your client not to use standby mode on electronics such as televisions and radios. These devices can consume a lot of energy even when they are not in use.

8. Use energy-saving power strips

Plug your electronics into an energy-efficient power strip which can help reduce standby power consumption. These power strips can also automatically shut down devices when not in use.

9. Use energy-efficient device settings

Guide the patient to use power saving settings on devices such as tablets and televisions. These settings will reduce energy consumption and save you money on your electricity bills.

10. Plant trees and bushes.

Planting trees and bushes around the house can provide shade in summer and help keep the house comfortably cool. This can reduce the need for air conditioning and save energy.

11. Use a clothes line

Use a clothesline rather than a dryer to dry your clothes. This can save both energy and money.

We in company Atena believe in leading by example. That’s why we’ve implemented every actionable energy-saving tip we’ve mentioned. And we are proud that every office in the company Atenauses as little energy as possible. Every year we reduce our negative impact on the environment and save more money. We then reinvest the money into higher salaries or providing the best possible service to our clients.