Joan Marques once said: “The thrill of admission lasts for a day. The thrill of giving lasts a lifetime.” If you are caring for a senior during this festive season, there is no better gift to give them this Christmas than the best possible carebeautiful memories. It doesn’t cost you any money. All it takes is a little thought and effort. And here are a few ways you can do that.
Plan your Christmas holidays
It doesn’t matter what you do – it’s always easier if you have a plan. Remember all the conversations you had with them. Have they ever mentioned wanting to do something or go somewhere? Want to visit a relative or friend? When it comes to gifts, the most important thing is the idea. It doesn’t matter how much something costs – what matters is whether it puts a smile on the person’s face.
Fill your days with fun-filled activities
Try to involve them in every single Christmas-related activity they enjoy. It can be baking cookies or decorating the Christmas tree and home. Help them choose and wrap the perfect gift for their children or grandchildren. No matter what activity you choose, it has to be something they enjoy doing. Forcing them to do tasks they don’t like wouldn’t put a smile on their face.
Change their routine a little
Most of us live a fairly monotonous life. Imagine how mundane are the days of a senior citizen who doesn’t go to work and has only a few activities to choose from. The Christmas holidays are a great time to make a difference. If they are believers, you can take them to church. But if they aren’t, there are plenty of nice places to visit – one of them is the Christmas markets. You can also invite a few friends or family. Or if it’s more convenient – visit them instead. And in case they don’t feel like going out or inviting friends, you can see what’s on TV and choose the best movies or series for them. Combine this with some Christmas punch or eggnog if their health allows it and they are not taking medication that would prevent them from doing so. And you have the recipe for a nice and cosy evening at home.

Make this Christmas dinner one they won’t forget
You can start by asking what they used to do at Christmas. If you dare to challenge yourself, you can try to replicate the dishes and the atmosphere. If they join you in the preparation, it will be even better. The revival of old memories will surely make them happy. And maybe you’ll learn an interesting story or a recipe for a tasty meal in the process.
To give is to receive
It is a proven fact that making someone happy brings us joy. Not only that, giving even makes us happier than receiving. But you don’t just get joy. You will gain much more if you make Christmas special for the senior you care for. If you work as a caregiver, that little bit of extra effort during the holidays does two very beneficial things for you. The first is a positive reference. When you can provide proof that you’ve done a great job, you’ll have no problem getting a job that pays better. Normally, more applicants apply for the better positions. References always give you the edge over other candidates. The other added value is that you have built a positive relationship with that person. Dealing with them will be much easier from now on. This is because they will not only see you as a caregiver, but also as someone who really cares about them, maybe even as a friend.
Don’t forget that when you work with us, you always have someone to rely on when things don’t go to plan. It doesn’t matter if you’ve burned Christmas Eve dinner, can’t find the lights for your Christmas tree, or have a serious problem – your designated consultant and manager will be there if you need them, even during the holidays! We in society Atena know that it is not easy to work during one of the biggest holidays. That’s why we’re here for you no matter the time or day of the year.