In today’s job market, the opportunities seem endless. But not every job offer is what it seems. As with other online activities where someone can impersonate someone they are not, job catfishing can result in a job offer or employer being misrepresented. This can be exaggerating the job, misleading about the salary or even falsifying the company’s reputation. So what should you do if you are a victim of job catfishing?

Recognition of indications

It is important to recognise the warning signs before you start looking at how to deal with a job catfishing situation. Pay attention if the job description seems too good to be true. Another warning sign is when the company avoids discussing details or fails to provide clear answers about the position. Trust your instincts; if something doesn’t seem right, find out more and make an informed decision based on the facts.

Assess the situation

When you realize that the work is not what you expected, it’s time to evaluate the situation. Ask yourself these questions: How much is the work different from what was promised? Can you imagine staying in this position despite the discrepancies? Understanding the extent of the discrepancy will help you decide on next steps.

Report your problems

If you decide that the deficiencies at work are serious, contact the employer directly. Schedule a meeting to discuss your concerns. First, make sure you have not misunderstood the situation. Sometimes there is a misunderstanding and your employer can correct the situation. However, if your employer dismisses your concerns or offers vague explanations, it may be time to consider other options.

Plan your exit strategy

If the experience of being cheated at work is too much to bear, it may be time to plan your exit. Start by updating your resume and LinkedIn profile. Start networking in the industry to find new opportunities. When looking for a new job, maintain a professional attitude in your current position to ensure you leave on good terms if possible. Leaving a job suddenly can have financial implications, so plan carefully.

Learn and move forward

The experience of job catfishing can be frustrating, but it is also a learning opportunity. Reflect on the situation to understand what went wrong and how you can avoid similar scams in the future. Take this experience as a reminder to research companies thoroughly, ask detailed questions during the interview process, and trust your instincts.

Trust and transparency in employment

At Atena, we understand the importance of trust and transparency in the job search process. Our mission is to connect job seekers with opportunities that are real and fulfilling. We pride ourselves on thoroughly vetting every position we offer, ensuring that our candidates receive accurate and complete information. Our goal is to build long-term, mutually beneficial partnerships with both employers and job seekers. When you choose Atena, you can trust that what you see is what you get. We’ll help you find a job that truly matches your vision.