How many days can you holiday and how much money do you get for them? At a minimum, how many euros do they have to pay you per hour worked? Where in Europe do people earn the most? Answers to the most important questions about work are brought to you by the Athena Advice Centre.

These up-to-date and proven facts may help you one day. Read quick, clear and easy-to-understand information on minimum wage, night work, work demands and holidays.

Minimum wage

What it is
The minimum wage is the lowest possible wage an employer must pay a full-time employee.

435 euros
It increases every year. In 2017, people in Slovakia cannot earn less than €453. Last year, the minimum wage was EUR 405. People who worked for the minimum hourly wage earned €2,328.

The minimum wage is also reflected in hourly earnings. If you earn €2.50 an hour in 2017, you are working for the minimum wage.

Its consequences
The level of the minimum wage has an impact on the standard of living of people in a given country, but it is also reflected in the unemployment of the population. A high minimum wage increases unemployment in the country, while a low minimum wage threatens to lower the standard of living of the population.

3 percent
About 3 percent of people in Slovakia currently work for minimum wage.

This year, people in Slovakia worked for a minimum wage of €81 per month. The same amount was also received in 1994 and 1995. These are the years with the lowest minimum wage in the history of the Slovak Republic.

Minimum wage in the European Union

Luxembourg has the highest minimum wage in the European Union. By law, people there must earn at least €999.

Ireland has the second highest minimum wage in the EU. In this country, it is €1 563.

The Netherlands
The top three minimum wages in the EU are topped by the Netherlands with €1552.

More like us
Belgium, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, Spain, Slovenia, Malta, Greece, Portugal, Estonia and Poland have higher minimum wages than Slovakia.

Less than us
Hungary, Croatia, the Czech Republic, Latvia, Lithuania, Romania, Bulgaria and the Czech Republic have lower minimum wages than Slovakia.

I work at night

What is night work
The Labour Code determines the range of night work. It’s any job ranging from 22. to 6. Throw. For example, if you start work at 19. Throw. and you’ll finish at 7:00 in the morning. an hour, you’ve worked 8 night hours.

Who works at night
In Slovakia, most people work at night in large companies where the production line runs continuously. However, doctors, nurses and other medical staff, police officers, firefighters, SBS employees and people in hypermarkets are not exempted from night work.

Health workers also have to get used to night work.

20 percent
For night work, employees are entitled by law to a supplement of 20 per cent of the minimum wage.

50 cents
who work for the minimum wage at night must get 50 cents extra for every hour worked, so they earn a minimum of €3 per hour (the minimum hourly wage for 2017 is €2.50 + 50 cents extra for night work). However, if they have agreed with the employee more than €3 gross for night work, they are not obliged to pay them extra because they have complied with the minimum wage for night work.

Health problems
Doctors agree that occasional night work won’t disrupt your rhythm too much. However, if you work at night several times a month, negative manifestations can occur. People who regularly work at night may have trouble falling asleep, may be unfocused or irritable. They are also prone to cardiovascular disease. Night work is worst tolerated by people who are used to getting up early in the morning. If you’re one of them, you might want to consider taking up an offer to work nights.

The difficulty of the work

Demandingness allowances
The Labour Code specifies 6 degrees of demandingness of work. If your job is in a higher level of difficulty, your minimum wage will also be higher.

Grade 1
If your job involves basic handling or preparatory work that you perform as directed by a supervisor, your position is classified as 1. degree of difficulty. For example, cleaners or production operators work at this level.

435 euros
Minimum wage of people working in 1. degree of difficulty of the work, is 435 euros.

Grade 2
Do you have material responsibilities in your job and do routine work? Do you work in simple crafts or in healthcare? Then your job is ranked in difficulty 2. degrees. This includes, for example, clerical or sales positions.

522 euros
The minimum wage of people who work in 2. the degree of difficulty of the work, is 522 euros.

Level 3
This includes both creative craft work and jobs where you are responsible for other people’s health. Also work that requires increased physical exertion. Also the nurse performs 3. the degree of difficulty of the work.

609 euros
The minimum wage of people who work in 3. degree of labour intensity is 609 euros.

Grade 4
Increased mental exertion moves people to grade 4. the degree of difficulty of the work. For example, managers and management functions. The Chief Accountant also belongs to this job difficulty group.

696 euros
The minimum wage of people who work in 4. degree of labour intensity is 696 euros.

Grade 5
Being in Grade 5. degree of difficulty of work, means working conceptually, creatively, methodically and having increased mental resilience. For example, production managers who are responsible for extremely demanding processes and have to follow complex procedures in their work.

783 euros
The minimum wage of people who work in 5. degree of labour intensity is 783 euros.

Grade 6
this group, employees solve creative tasks in an unusual way. They have a high level of responsibility and their work can have a significant impact on society. For example, the company’s chief executive officer and chief executive officer work in the highest level of intensity.

870 euros
The minimum wage of people who work in 6. degree of difficulty of the work, is 870 euros.

HolidaysLeave entitlement
Any employee who has been in permanent employment with the same employer for at least 60 days is entitled to leave.
If you have not taken your leave in a calendar year, you can carry these days over to the following year. But be warned, if you don’t take your holiday this year, it will be forfeited.

People over 33 years of age are legally entitled to 25 days of leave, and civil servants of that age get 5 days more on top of that.

The salary you will receive during your leave will be calculated by your employer from your average salary in the previous quarter of the year.

20 days
Every person up to the age of 32 is entitled to at least 20 days of holiday in Slovakia.

33 years
If you are over this age in the current calendar year, you can take 25 days’ leave. Civil servants are entitled to 30 days’ leave at this age.