At Atena, we believe in rewarding the people who help us grow. That’s why we’ve decided to significantly increase our bonus for referring carers. Instead of spending our budget on large-scale marketing campaigns, we want to give that money back to you, our valued clients and partners. Here’s everything you need to know about our expanded referral program and why it’s the best time to refer job seekers to Atena.

Improved referral bonuses

We are pleased to announce our new referral bonus structure. You will now receive an initial payment of €300 for each carer recruited through a referral. But that’s not all – for every month that the carer works with Atena, you will also receive an additional €50. This ongoing rewards system is our way of thanking you for your continued support and trust.

Why we are increasing referral bonuses

You may ask why we are making this change. The reason is simple: we believe in investing in our community. Referrals have always been an effective way to find and recruit top talent. Statistics show that 40% of referred jobseekers receive a job offer compared to only 8% of applicants from other sources. In addition, referred employees have an impressive 46% retention rate over three years, much higher than the 14% retention rate of those hired through traditional methods.

By increasing referral bonuses, we want to reinforce this successful recruitment strategy. Instead of spending money on large-scale marketing campaigns, we invest in the people who make our company better every day – people like you.

Benefits for everyone

Our enhanced referral programme is not just for our benefit, it is designed to benefit everyone involved.

  • For referrers: get significant bonuses both initially and monthly. Your efforts are rewarded continuously as long as the referred caregiver remains with Atena.
  • For referred caregivers: they join a company that values quality and personal connections, leading to greater job satisfaction and longer employment.
  • For Atena: Thanks to trusted referrals from our network, we attract dedicated and qualified caregivers who are more likely to stay and develop with us.

A smarter investment

We recognize that traditional marketing is important, but nothing compares to the power of a personal recommendation. By reallocating our marketing budget to referral bonuses, we are making a smarter investment in our future. This approach not only produces high quality candidates, but also strengthens our relationships with clients and partners.

Join us in building a better team

We invite you to take advantage of our enhanced referral program. Your contacts may be the key to finding our next top caregiver. Start referring today and enjoy the generous rewards that come with helping Atena grow.

At Atena, we appreciate your trust and support. Our decision to increase referral fees reflects our commitment to you. By putting more money in your hands, we are trying to create a win-win situation. Let’s build a stronger and more committed team together. Refer your friends and colleagues to Atena and watch your efforts pay off.

For more information about our referral programme and other recruitment services, please visit our website or contact our recruitment team. Together we can achieve more!