If an elderly person is unable to care for themselves, in many cases it is understandably very important for them to remain in their own home for the sake of memories and personal connections. He feels much safer there. He desires to continue his current way of life with only the help that will help him to make it through. This help is 24-hour home care which can be costly. A nanny in England costs on average €1000 to €1500 per week. What caregivingallowances are available to English nationals?

What does entitlement to benefits depend on?

Whether your loved one’s home caregivingwill be reimbursed depends on their financial situation. The local authority will carry out a financial capability review that takes into account his or her income. It is done at the same time as or after the actual reassessment of the need for care. This review determines whether the patient needs caregivingand gathers information that is used to create what is known as a care plan. The financial review for home caregivingdetermines whether the patient will pay for the cost of care for a period of time, or whether they will receive caregiverfor free. It is true that the more income he or she has, the fewer resources to carereceives. Items such as earnings, pension, savings and benefits are taken into account in this assessment. If he or she is interested in home care, the value of the property is not included. It is assumed that the patient is receiving all the benefits to which he or she is entitled, even though he or she may not actually be receiving them, so they are taken into account.

If all the items taken into account exceed the limit of €26,382.98, you must carepay for the care himself or his family. If the property fits within the amount of €16 453,9, the Authority will finance caregivingin full. In a situation where the funds are within these limits, the senior is entitled to partial reimbursement for care. After reviewing the financial circumstances, the local authority will issue a written decision on how much the patient must contribute towards their own care. The person concerned receives the funds directly into an account each month, or careorganised by the authority. If your loved one disagrees with the outcome of the Authority’s decision, you should complain to the Authority. Even when funding careis refused, seniors can still use other care allowances that are not dependent on their financial situation.

A local authority is a local government body in England that is responsible for the administration of services in a town or village. It is made up of members who are elected and represent the interests of the local community. They also take care of planning and development, waste management, and municipal services.

Contribution to caregiving

This allowance can be obtained by the care staff themselves . Carers can receive €78.95 per week. It is paid to caregiverwho spend at least 35 hours a week caring for a person in need. They do not have to be related. Income, savings and insurance contributions are not taken into account when taking entitlement into account. In this case, the caregiverhelp may include services such as preparing meals, helping with hygiene, accompanying the cared-for person (to take care of something or to the doctor), shopping. As a condition of the allowance, the cared-for person must be in receipt of one of the other allowances listed below.


The same is received regardless of income. The allowance is sent weekly to the care recipient’s bank account in the amount of either €70.06 or €104.67. The amount depends on the level of care the patient needs as a result of the illness. If a person requires supervision only during the day or only at night, he or she is entitled to a lower rate, if both day and night or suffers from a terminal illness, he or she receives a higher rate. To be eligible, it must meet the criteria:

  • reaching retirement age,
  • suffer from a disability,
  • need help with everyday life because of their disability,
  • need such carefor a minimum of six months for a terminal illness,
  • have a doctor’s certificate of health.
Lower sootHigher soot
70,06€ per week104,67€ per week

Personal Independence Payment (PIP)

How much the cared-for person receives depends on how much their health condition affects their life and how much careshe needs. It is based on two criteria: whether the person needs help with everyday tasks or mobility. There is a different amount of allowance for each. However, both may be taken at the same time. In order for the benefit to apply to home caregivingfor the elderly (otherwise it is for people aged 16 and over until they reach retirement age), it had to be preceded by the receipt of Disability Living Allowance (DLA). Entitlement also arises if the patient has a terminal illness and has less than six months to live. The condition is that they must have lived in England for two of the last three years.

The needs of daily living include activities such as eating, drinking, washing, bathing, taking medication, going to the toilet, dressing, undressing and socialising. Mobility needs include activities such as: help with moving around (positioning) and planning a move. When the patient needs assistance with activities of daily living, the lower benefit rate is €70.06 and the higher rate is €104.67. For the need for mobility assistance, the lower benefit amount is €27.7 and the higher is €73.06. It is paid every four weeks. There is often a reassessment of what is in place to ensure that the patient receives the right support, the support they need. Entitlement to the benefit arises for five types of diagnoses:

  • psychological disorders,
  • musculoskeletal diseases (arthritis, osteoarthritis),
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system,
  • neurological disorders (multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease),
  • respiratory diseases.
Lower sootHigher soot
The needs of everyday life70,06€ per week104,67€ per week
The need for mobility 27,7€ per week73,06€ per week

As can be seen, England is quite generous to people in need of home caregiving. But it also thinks about those who are better off financially because they can benefit from other allowances.

In case you need 24-hour carefor your loved one, please contact us at . We guarantee you reliable and helpful caregiverstaff from several countries in Central and Eastern Europe.