Some European Union Member States have high wages, others struggle with low wages, despite the fact that the European Union is generally considered to be an area with high living standards. Paradoxically, the pay gap is a big problem for her.

Salary is important

Salary is in most cases the deciding factor in choosing a job. If we are considering whether or not to take the job, or. whether we apply for it when we see a job advert is largely influenced by the salary quoted. Because how much we earn is important so that we can meet our needs and buy something that will make us happy in addition to the basic standard. Unfortunately, in many countries, employees cannot cover all their expenses from the wages they earn. This is due to the low salaries they earn in almost all positions. Of course, lower earnings have an impact on the overall satisfaction and quality of life of workers and their families.

Which countries have the lowest salaries in the European Union?

There are differences in minimum monthly wages between countries. You can see how much they cost in each EU country in the table below. Countries are ranked from those with the lowest salaries to those earning the most. The above wage levels are valid from 2023. The minimum wage is regularly increased in line with the evolution of the average monthly wage.

StateMinimum monthly wage in euros
Czech Republic717
The Netherlands1934

In the next table, one can observe the amount that average monthly earnings reached in 2022. There are marked differences between the lowest and highest wage countries. Employees in developed countries receive up to five times more per month on their bills.

State Average monthly salary in euros
Bulgaria723 €
Romania919 €
Hungary1059 €
Lithuania1202 €
Slovakia1211 €
Croatia1342 €
Poland1368 €
Czech Republic1501 €
United Kingdom3420 €
Belgium3775 €
Ireland3789 €
Germany 4168 €
The Netherlands4324 €
Austria4540 €

Low standard of living

The countries with the lowest salaries are Bulgaria and Romania, which are among the poorest countries in the European Union. Salaries are slightly better in Croatia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Poland, although even there it is not as good as compared to the expenses that at the time inflation are constantly rising. Decent, the best salary conditions prevail in the countries of Western Europe, in Germany, Belgium or the Netherlands. Low-wage countries generally have a low living standards, suffer from poverty and overall socio-economic problems. Their inhabitants face food shortages, but often also problems with housing and health care. In extreme cases, they have to resort to living in substandard conditions, such as hostels.

Moving to developed countries for work

The only solution left for people to feed themselves and their families is to travel for work abroad, to economically and economically advanced countries where wages are at a different level. This is the only way to resolve a difficult financial situation so that they can provide the family with everything they need. Many people are required to travel abroad for weeks at a time or rotations. However, such a method is reasonable. If a jobseeker does not have a job with a satisfactory salary in their home country, they should go where better conditions await them. Why not take the opportunity to work for five times the amount you get at home and be able to get what you need to live?

In Atena we have plenty of job offers in the developed countries of Europe where you can earn a decent salary. Just contact us and we will be happy to help you find the right and good job. Atena is guided by the motto: “A better job brings a better life!”