Everywhere in the European Union, we are facing shortages of nursing and other health care staff, doctors, nurses and nursing assistants. We observe this in both health care facilities and facilities for the elderly. What contributes to this problem and what can be done about it?

The reasons are several

The work of care staff is seen as socially unattractive, yet it is very important work – providing caresand assistance to the vulnerable. Many families are unable to care for an elderly relative, who is also suffering from various diagnoses, because they have to go to work and already have families of their own. Another reason is the physical and emotional demands of the job. Caregivers often come into contact with seniors who have serious illnesses or are experiencing difficult conditions. They are immobile, they have dementiaand may experience frequent mood swings and mood changes. In addition, care staff are often undervalued in society. There is not much meaning attached to the work of caregiver. This work is equally uninteresting for many in terms of financial evaluation. Doctors, nurses, nursing assistants, paramedics and home and caregivers home caregivers work over the holidays, which is also a barrier to motivation to pursue these professions.

The solution is to employ staff from abroad

In order for people to be able to work in the caring profession and also in healthcare positions, it is necessary to integrate people from countries outside the European Union into the labour market and to allow them to work in both healthcare facilities and facilities for the elderly. These are so-called third world countries, which are generally known for their low standard of living. People from developing countries find such work attractive and are interested in it because they earn a lot of money in their own countries. low wages. These are not enough to cover current expenses, and often they cannot even live a decent life. In addition to low wages, there is also a high unemployment rate. The concept of a third world country dates back to the Cold War. It was introduced to denote countries that did not side with the US (First World) or the USSR (Second World) during the war. The aim of providing work to foreigners is to allow people who are studied, qualified and have experience in the field to work in their industry and not be left to do menial work.

It brings advantages

Third-country workers are looking for better job opportunities, economic conditions and overall better living conditions. This is the reason for their migration from their home countries in search of work. People from third countries go to European Union countries to study at university as an intern or exchange student and then want to stay to work. In this case, the integration process is simpler because there is no extra agenda. Employing foreigners has its advantages. It contributes to cultural diversity and the blurring of differences. If an employer provides jobs to foreigners from third world countries, it will improve its competitiveness by expanding its contacts and entering another market. Another advantage is that this labour is cheaper.

The integration process

To work in another country, foreigners must first integrate into its system. The aim of integration is to help migrants integrate (not only) into working life. The first step of integration is to ensure that the foreigner is qualified and can do the required work. This requires verification of the foreign jobseeker’s qualifications, education and skills. Within countries, both the requirements and the educational credentials may vary for specific jobs. Another important point is to familiarize the foreigner with the local laws, regulations and cultural customs. It is essential that the migrant gets used to and can adapt his behaviour to the new environment. Of course, the integration process varies depending on the particular state and the conditions set by its leaders. The foreigner must obtain a work permit in the country where he or she wants to work. This requires the necessary documents.

V Athens we give opportunities to people from less developed countries. We are currently employing workers from Ukraine, where the situation is still unfavourable and the country is in a state of war. V Athens we would like to see the market in Western European countries open up to foreigners from developing countries in the future and give them a chance for a better life.