If you’ve been thinking about moving to a region other than where you live for work, now is the time. Any unemployed person from a region with few job opportunities who is willing to find a longer-term job at least 70 kilometres from their home can receive a financial contribution from the state to support job mobility. This will cover 80 per cent of the housing costs for half a year, up to a maximum of EUR 250 per month.

The benefits will be paid by the labour offices. The condition is that applicants find permanent employment for an indefinite or fixed-term period, but for a minimum of six months. This allowance does not apply to work under an agreement. You will be able to apply for the allowance within three months of being removed from the unemployment register.

Until now, the law in force allowed a person interested in the relocation allowance to apply for a one-off state relocation allowance of €1,327.76. The condition was that the candidate must be a permanent resident of the new location.

With property price differentials, in places with plenty of job opportunities, only a small number of residents could buy a property in their new location. Therefore, there was minimal interest in the contribution. In 2014, 38 applicants applied, compared to 66 in 2013.

In the new wording of the law, which renames the allowance the Labour Mobility Allowance, the allowance is no longer linked to permanent residence. The applicant can rent the housing and set up a temporary residence there.

The text of Act No. 5/2004 Coll. § 53a Allowance to support mobility for work
