The key to finding a job is to create and submit a CV. His job is to sell and present you to the business or company before we meet with their representatives. But have you ever thought about what a good CV should look like?
The origin of the CV
Did you know that the first biography dates back to 1482? The world-famous artist Leonardo da Vinci gave shape to the very first CV . At a time when he was not yet famous, he applied for a job in Milan. He described his skills and abilities, which is how he got the job. In the past, CVs used to include different things than they do now, such as where the applicant is from, what kind of work their parents do, what their religion is, or what their financial circumstances are. The biographies we know today have been around since the 1980s .
The decisive factor
Do you know why it matters how your CV is handled? It decides whether you will be called for a job interview or whether your CV will be thrown straight in the bin. In addition, it speaks volumes about you and your personality. It must catch the eye of a potential employer or recruiter of the company you are applying for a job with. So what should be its content?
1. Structurality
Today, the focus is on a structured CV written in a headline style that is concise and clear. Nobody wants to read lengthy fictionalized biographies. If you want to send a document that goes into more detail about you, send a cover letter with your CV.
2. Data
Make sure your details are correct . Make sure you have the correct email address or that there is no typo in your phone contact. Use an internationally known email address on gmail, or possibly yahoo, instead of lesser known addresses. Also, focus on the name in the address, which should be your own first and last name. Avoid nicknames and diminutives that are childish, say nothing and come across as unprofessional, such as:
3. Photography
It is advisable to have a photo on your CV, it looks better than if it wasn’t there. Always use a current and representative photo of yourself, not one that is five years old, in case your appearance has changed significantly in that time. Thanks to the photo, you have the opportunity to make a more personal contact with the potential employer, who will remember you better. Just take a picture of your face up to your shoulders with a slight smile, just like on an ID card or passport. You’re better off sending a photo where someone else has taken a photo of you , rather than a selfie. Avoid vulgar photos, photos in inappropriate clothing, from a family party where you are not alone, etc.
4. Education
Of course, you must include the education you have achieved on your CV . If you didn’t finish one of the schools you attended, be sure to put it there anyway. The exact address of the school you went to and the date you attended it, as well as the full wording of the course you took. It starts with the highest level of education attained and proceeds chronologically. Primary school is not mentioned, only if it is your highest level of education. Education is the second thing a company is most interested in, right after work experience. Especially if you have less experience.
5. Experience
Your work history is important. In particular, experience in the field for which you are applying should be mentioned . This is the attribute that interests employers most of all in CVs. Always consider the job you are applying for and tailor your CV accordingly. Describe those recent experiences and the offer you want to get in detail – what you did, when you started, when you left, what the job was like. If you are interested in working as a caregiver, the employer will be more or less not interested in the fact that you have worked as a sales assistant, but in the fact that you have experience of caregivinga family member, or have worked as a nurse or teacher. You should also list your experience chronologically from most recent to oldest.
6. Courses
Don’t forget to mention any training, courses, workshops or seminars you have attended that are relevant to the position you are interested in. They will prove you to be a person who likes to learn new things and is ready and willing to further your education.

7. Languages
Be sure to indicate your language skills. However, it must be true and correspond to your actual knowledge. Follow the scale of levels from A1 to C2, with A1 being the very basics and C2 being a person who speaks the language at a native speaker level. If you are interested in improving your language skills, take a look here to find out how.
8. Other knowledge
Please indicate here your computer and other skills, such as your level of proficiency with Word, Excel, … type of driving licence and mileage, or that you can type, use an accounting programme or economic correspondence.
9. Features and abilities
Write about the qualities and skills that you have and that the job requires. Choose those that are genuine and could be valued by the company. In this case, instead of using strict phrases and words, use elaborated sentences, which you express with concrete examples. Do not write that you are a sociable and communicative person, but that you like to make new contacts and present something.
10. Achievements
Don’t be afraid to share your successes, what you’ve managed to do in life . If you have won a major sports, knowledge or other competition, attended a specific and interesting club, just mention it there calmly. These will all be plus points for you .
11. Hobby
You can also add hobbies that you do in your spare time. Especially if they are even slightly related to the job you are sending your CV to. An employer may be interested in your unusual hobby or hobby that shows your perseverance, tenacity, goal-orientedness and never giving up. Especially if you are involved in an activity such as hiking or a sport. This will give the company a better image of you and make you look more convincing.
12. Profiles
Feel free to include a link to your LinkedIn profile, where they can find references about you that previous employers have left on your profile, or include your website. Include a link to your portfolio or successful projects, especially if you are applying for a creative job as a translator, editor, graphic designer, illustrator, …
13. Design
The appearance of the CV also plays a significant role. Although it depends on the specific position. There is no need to overdo it if it is not justified. But the design shouldn ‘t look bland or uninteresting.
14. Attachments
Please add your consent to the processing of personal data to your CV . If applicable, please also write the aforementioned cover letter. Please also attach copies of diplomas or certificates of completion of courses.
15. General advice in conclusion
It is important not to have grammatical errors in your CV . Before you send it, make sure it is free of typos, which will give you a bad press. Opt for an appropriate font size, a neutral font and a uniform typeface. It may seem like a small thing, but on the contrary it does a lot.
There are various platforms that make writing a professional and design-savvy CV easier. These are graphical pre-created formats that you just need to fill in quickly. So, based on this template, you immediately know what a good CV should look like. One of these is Europass, where you can easily create an internationally recognised CV from the comfort of your home. With it, you can apply for a job anywhere in Europe. It is the most widely used CV format. You have pre-prepared fields where you have to fill in your education, training, work experience and skills. The platform offers the possibility to create a CV in up to 30 languages, such as Bulgarian, Croatian, Dutch, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Romanian, Serbian, Turkish, French, German and, of course, English.
Other CV creation platforms are online editors available without registration such as Canva, Resume, VisualCV. In Canva, you can create a graphically attractive CV using a variety of templates from all over the world. Such a document is useful if you are applying for special jobs. Be sure to use some of these simple tools when creating your resume. CVs written in Word are no longer sent, the modern CV is the way to go.
ATENA will be happy to help and advise you with creating your CV, so that you can get the reliable job with an interesting salary that you are looking for. If you want to know more tips on how to find a job, you can read about them here.
What experience do you have in creating a CV? Is it easy for you? Did you learn how to improve your CV?