Travelling within the EU for work as care staff? If so, it is important to make sure you have all the necessary documents in order to make the whole process as smooth and ideally hassle-free as possible. EU nationals do not need a passport, visa or work permit to travel within the EU to work. However, there are important documents you must have if you plan to work in another EU country.

Today we will look at the main documents that caregivers should have in place before travelling to Western Europe to work.

Proof of identity

Carrying your ID with you at all times should be a matter of course. However, having it with you when travelling abroad is a must. Although you are unlikely to have to show your identity when crossing the Schengen border, routine checks can be a problem if you cannot identify yourself. Due to the influx of immigrants from Asia and, in recent years, refugees from Ukraine, routine border checks have become commonplace.

The check may also take place in the home of the person you are caring for. Even if you have an employment contract with you, without ID it is hard to prove that it is really your employment contract. In that case, you can easily get into trouble. We also recommend that you take a picture of your ID on your phone. It could make the whole process a lot easier if you lose it or it gets stolen.

Proof of employment

Your proof of employment is usually your employment contract. However, especially for care staff, sometimes you also need other supporting documents. This can be your trade certificate if you are working in Austria, or other documentation if you are working through a secondment model. You don’t need these documents to travel, as you have the right to free movement within the EU. However, if you are already working and still have no proof of employment, this can lead to serious complications. All EU countries, especially those in Western Europe, are quite strict about illegal work and will take the consequences if the law is broken.

No paper copies – no problem

There’s no need to carry tons of paper with you all the time. We live in a modern digital world – a digital copy of your contract is just as valid as a printed one. Many progressive companies are trying to reduce their carbon footprint, save time and be more efficient by only using digital documents.

Company Atena is also committed to the use of digital documents. Here’s why: imagine how long it would take to conclude an employment contract if your employer didn’t have an office near you. It would need to be sent for signature by post or courier and then returned. On the one hand, it’s a waste of paper, electricity and fuel. On the other hand, it can take two weeks for everyone to receive a document signed by both parties. And this is far from optimal for every employee who wants to start working as soon as possible. However, if any caregiver needs to have paper copies of documents, we will be happy to provide them.

Health insurance card

As you probably know, if you are employed in an EU country, you are entitled to a European Health Insurance Card (EHIC). However, you don’t need to have a real card to use the services that come with it. You just need to know your health card number, and your employer can easily provide you with this information. You also don’t have to worry if you are asked to pay for medical treatment: you will be reimbursed once all the receipts have been sent to your health insurance company.

Overall, travelling to work in the EU is easy – you just need your ID card, proof of employment and your EHIC card (or insurance number). We recommend that you also save a copy of these to your phone to be on the safe side. If you encounter any problems when travelling abroad for work, just give us a call – Atenais here for you!