21 11, 2022

Why is it advantageous to have a caregiver from abroad?

November 21st, 2022|Categories: Nursing, Companies|

There is not enough healthcare staff in Western Europe, and with prices and inflation rising at the same time, it seems that salaries in Eastern and Central Europe are getting lower and lower. Employing caregivers from abroad will solve not only these two problems but also many others. Read about it in our latest article.

3 11, 2022

Petition for higher salaries for Austrian carers

November 3rd, 2022|Categories: Clients, Nursing|

Higher salaries for carers in Austria have been a hot topic for a long time. These salaries have not moved at all for years. Due to high inflation, the WKÖ - Chamber of Commerce in Austria - is trying to defend the interests carers. They started with a petition which they plan to present to the Minister responsible for the situation.