The covid pandemic has changed the world we live in. Some things, such as frequent quarantines and travel restrictions, have come and gone. However, some of the changes that have been introduced to combat the pandemic are here to stay. One of them is undoubtedly the home office. Usually every solution has its“side effects“. But the question is whether it actually causes more problems than it solves.
Benefits of the home office
There is no doubt that remote working improves recruitment opportunities. If you can choose candidates from across the country instead of one region, it’s easier to find educated and qualified employees.
Another significant advantage is cost reduction. With fewer people working in the office, you use less energy. Unfortunately, these benefits come at a price.
Negative aspects of home office
If we look at it in a completely analytical way, employees should do their job the same way, no matter where they are. But it is not a reality. People working from home tend to feel more free and without control, and some don’t even behave as if they were working full-time.
Have you heard the quote, “Trust is good, control is better”? If you want your employees to be as productive at home as they are in the office, you should respond when someone is slacking off. If someone left the office for 15 minutes to walk their dog, you would find that unacceptable. Shouldn’t it then be the same if your employees work from home? Hundreds of software solutions help you track their productivity. Do you think it’s impossible in your work sphere? Then your system is either outdated or you haven’t really tried to find the right solution.
Reduction of motivation
Many people report that they are happier when they work from home. It saves them time they would otherwise spend commuting to work, plus they feel more comfortable at home. However, this convenience can bring negative effects. And this applies especially to professions that are demanding, exhausting or require growth. But if you don’t leave your comfort zone, you have no way to grow. Instead of developing, employees stay in the same place for a long time because it’s comfortable.

Fortunately, this is not a problem that can’t be fixed. Many companies allow their employees to work from home, but require them to visit the office once or twice a week. And getting them out of their comfort zone isn’t the only thing employers achieve this way – in the office they can interact with their colleagues in person, which greatly increases teamwork and socialisation and contributes to a better mental state.
If this is not possible in your case, you can just organise small team-building activities frequently . It can be a hike in the woods or just a visit to the bar for a drink or two. You will be surprised of the results it can bring!
Which way is better?
Overall, we can say, that working from home is the new“norm” for many people around the world. Whether businesses like it or not, they have to adapt if they want to have enough workforce. Otherwise, they have to limit their options at the time of looking for new reinforcements to the team.
There is no right or wrong answer to what is better. However, there are right and wrong actions and reactions. If you decide that all your employees must work only from the office, you should work to make it comfortable and provide modern facilities. And if most of your employees work from home, you should manage them just as if they were sitting next to you. It doesn’t matter which way you choose. In the end, only one thing matters – results!
We, at Atena , stand by what we preach and practice it. And since we wouldn’t be where we are today without our employees, we try to show our gratitude by providing them with top-notch equipment and treating them with respect. We also remember to take them somewhere nice as a thank you for all the hard work. The last time was less than a month ago! If you are looking for inspiration, you can read about it here.