4 12, 2019

What social benefits does Slovakia guarantee you?

December 4th, 2019|Categories: Clients, Social benefits|

Is it worth taking a vacation? How much do you get for the maternity leave? In every modern state social systems protect you at various life situations, compensate health problems and provide social benefits. In upcoming period we will compare them with Germany, Austria, Netherlands and Great Britain. Do you know what benefits does Slovakia

21 11, 2019

It is easier to get rid of debts after the amendment to the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Act.

November 21st, 2019|Categories: Clients, Legal advice|

Many people have problems in work and personal life due to executions. They are a big complication when people are trying to return to a “normal“ life. The amendment to the Bankruptcy and Restructuring Act, which regulates the debt relief of private persons, will help people to get out of their diffucult life situation.