Habits are powerful tools that either help us achieve our goals or hold us back from achieving them. When we form good habits, we get a positive boost in our lives. This drive will get us over every obstacle we encounter. And consequently, we can achieve much more than we expected. But we need enough time and consistency to do this.

How does it help me to be motivated?

Building habits is not easy. On average, it takes a person 66 days to do this. It may sound a little strange, but in order to build habits that motivate us, we first have to motivate ourselves to build some habits.

According to a Gallup study, motivated people are on average 17% more productive. If you are paid by results at work, you could earn 17% more. If you have 12 hours of duties and tasks to attend over the weekend, you can reduce this time to less than 10 hours. And here’s what you need to do if you want to earn more and have more free time.

1. Start your day with a morning routine

Did you know that 92% of highly productive people practice a morning routine? One of the best ways to set yourself up for an intense and productive day is just to create a morning routine. Whether it’s meditation, exercise or simply enjoying a cup of coffee while reading a book, a consistent morning routine will help you feel more energetic and focused for the day ahead. If you start the day with a clear goal, you’ll get motivated to tackle daily tasks and pursue your long-term goals. And if you don’t know where to start, you’ll find inspiration for your morning ritualshere.

2. Set achievable goals

Setting the goal is key when you want to stay motivated. However, it is equally important to set achievable goals. When you set goals that are too challenging or unrealistic, you can cause yourself to become overwhelmed and lose motivation. Instead, focus on smaller, achievable goals that you can work on consistently. Celebrating each small victory will build dinamics and make you feel more motivated to keep moving forward.

3. Take care of yourself

Taking care of your physical, mental and emotional health is very important to stay motivated. Activities such as taking care of yourself, exercising, eating healthily and getting enough rest, will help you feel more energetic and focused. In addition, spending time on hobbies and leisure activities that you enjoy can help you feel more fulfilled and motivated in all areas of your life.

4. Surround yourself with positive people

Jim Rohn once said: “You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” It is debatable whether the correct number of people is 5, 10 or 50. But the fact remains that the people we spend time with have a significant impact on our level of motivation. Staying motivated and going for your goals becomes difficult if you surround yourself with negative people or those who do not support you. On the other hand, spending time with positive, supportive and like-minded people can help you stay motivated and inspired. Seek out friends, family members or colleagues who encourage and support you to pursue your dreams.

5. Practice gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool for staying motivated and living a more fulfilling life. When you focus on the things you feel grateful for, you will naturally feel more positive, optimistic and motivated. Try to make a habit of expressing gratitude every day. You can take a few minutes to reflect on what you are grateful for. Or express it throughout the day – it doesn’t have to be anything significant. Appreciate every little privilege you have and it will make you more positive and motivated.

Creating positive habits is essential to keep us motivated to achieve our goals. By starting each day with a consistent morning routine, setting achievable goals, taking care of ourselves, surrounding ourselves with positive people and expressing gratitude, we can create a more fulfilled and motivated life. So take the time to identify the habits that work best for you and start incorporating them into your daily routine. Your future self will thank you!

And if you want to motivate your employees too, we have good news for you! This topic is already covered on our blog, which you can find here.