23 09, 2022

Dadils with a lower level of the German language and their contracts

September 23rd, 2022|Categories: Companies, Nursing|

Caregivers with poor language skills appreciate their joy and the opportunity that is offered to them, and this motivates them to work on themselves. Such a lady gives birth in the same way as a lady who speaks her own language, but has the same language. Dadilla who knows the basics of the German language will improve and develop it to a higher level over time.

23 09, 2022

We are now at a lower level of non-material and non-beneficial beneficiaries

September 23rd, 2022|Categories: Companies, Nursing|

They are weak in the knowledge that their tongue values their joy and the likeness that has sprung up for them, and that motivated them to joy in themselves. Such a caretaker shall be a breeder of children, as she is, when she speaks uncommonly, and when she is proud and unhappy. A lady who knows on the basis of a language that is not small will in time be beaten and developed to a higher level.

21 08, 2022

A new Volvo car company is heading to eastern Slovakia

August 21st, 2022|Categories: Companies, Labour market|

Swedish car company Volvo is coming to the east of Slovakia. The third plant in Europe will bring thousands of new jobs, reducing unemployment and improving the overall quality of life in the region. Volvo will become the fifth car company in Slovakia, but it will be unique in producing electric cars, which are the future of the automotive industry.

24 09, 2020

What does Generation Y and Generation Z expect from their employer?

September 24th, 2020|Categories: Companies, Employees|

Unlimited free time, flexible working hours, free refreshments and lunches…simply everything for free. This was what employers thought the younger generations wanted. Many employers almost provided it. However with the development of the economy and the entry of the young generation into the labor sector, priorities have changed.