22 10, 2019

Labour mobility in 2020

October 22nd, 2019|Categories: Companies, Labour market, Employees|

Labour mobility is one of the underlying causes of structural unemployment, which can signal a high number of unfilled jobs at a time when there are a large number of unemployed workers. However, high unemployment rates can generally have a negative effect on labour mobility, as people become more worried and insecure about finding a

16 10, 2019

Who is better and who is the best employee ? Is he Slovak, Romanian or Bulgarian ?

October 16th, 2019|Categories: Companies, Employees|

The demographics and age structure of the populations of countries such as Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary – countries whose inhabitants often migrate to Western Europe for work – show clear demographic characteristics. Most of the population in the countries in question is in the 35-44 age range, which is considered to be one