24 09, 2020

What does Generation Y and Generation Z expect from their employer?

September 24th, 2020|Categories: Companies, Employees|

Unlimited free time, flexible working hours, free refreshments and lunches…simply everything for free. This was what employers thought the younger generations wanted. Many employers almost provided it. However with the development of the economy and the entry of the young generation into the labor sector, priorities have changed.

22 10, 2019

Labour mobility in 2020

October 22nd, 2019|Categories: Companies, Labour market, Employees|

Labour mobility is one of the underlying causes of structural unemployment, which can signal a high number of unfilled jobs at a time when there are a large number of unemployed workers. However, high unemployment rates can generally have a negative effect on labour mobility, as people become more worried and insecure about finding a

16 10, 2019

Who is better and who is the best employee ? Is he Slovak, Romanian or Bulgarian ?

October 16th, 2019|Categories: Companies, Employees|

The demographics and age structure of the populations of countries such as Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Poland and Hungary – countries whose inhabitants often migrate to Western Europe for work – show clear demographic characteristics. Most of the population in the countries in question is in the 35-44 age range, which is considered to be one